You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, then what does that right afford you?

Philadelphia sentences more individuals to death by incarceration than any city in the country. 

Come and hear what the right to counsel meant for two individuals who were released after being wrongfully convicted and sentenced to die in prison. 

Bilaal Wilson wrongfully served 28 years of a life sentence before he was exonerated in January 2020.

Qahir Trice wrongfully served 28 years of a life sentence before he was released in February 2022.

Both were released by courts after attorneys uncovered exculpatory evidence that had been withheld for decades by the DA’s office. Both received woefully deficient counsel. In Mr. Trice’s case, his state post-conviction lawyer even filed a letter with the court waiving all of Mr. Trice’s appeals, ignoring a blatant constitutional violation in the case.

They along with Phillips Black associates and apprentice will discuss what the right to counsel means to the 2800 Philadelphians sentenced to die in prison.

Bok Roof, August 31, 5:00-6:30

Tickets $15 (proceeds go to Bilaal and Qahir) available here